Branding Projects

| Logos and Stationary Samples | 2012 |

| Branding Projects |

As architects and designers, we are also skilled in developing distinctive and cohesive branding packages that will boldly set a business apart from its competitors by creating a whole spectrum of tangible and intangible features. These features include the use of graphics, messages and interplays to effectively define an organization within the marketplace.

Iconic had the opportunity to develop several of these branding products this last year. From logos to websites, we were challenged to create products that would fit our clients corporate identity needs. First we met with the clients to assess their needs and desires. Then we looked into other business associates and competitors branding efforts to create a baseline and benchmark results. We coordinated with graphic designers, copy editors, web designers and the clients of clients to bring to plate the most appropriate product. It stroke us surprising how one can find the different parts of an engine, but how necessary is somebody that will look into the big picture to know which parts to use, and how to put them together.

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