Express Urgent Care at Estrella Health Center

I Express Urgent Care Site Visit Pics | by K. Shakman | August | 2012

| Express Urgent Care Site Visit | 2012

Who says that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line? We challenged this idea by proposing a floor plan that diverged from the cookie-cutter straight and “boxy” formula of traditional medical offices. In doing so, we allowed several features to “blossom” such as a better integration between nurses and lab area, one extra physician office and a space that welcomes the user instead of confusing him.

Several articles grounded in Evidence-based design principles proclaim a positive relationship between the built environment and a patient’s perception of quality of care. In another words, doctors have been judged or rated according to the environment in which they surround themselves. It makes sense. Who would hire a lawyer whose office has an interior design style from the sixties?

We are designing today for generations to come in the future. The iPod, iPad, iPhone and “iCan Choose” generation. That means that with the internet, patients have been empowered to choose and rate doctors and facilities with the click of  a mouse.

Designing with the new times in mind is a way to convey that the facility and staff are up to date with the latest technology, techniques and expertise. This should establish a good rapport with the “thumbs up or down” generation. Welcome to the future and good design, the real shortest distance between two points.

By Karen Shakman

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